When should you review your estate plan?

Reviewing your estate plan will alert you to any changes that need to be addressed. For example, you may need to make changes to your plan to ensure it meets all of your goals, or when an executor, trustee, or guardian can no longer serve in that capacity. You’ll probably want to do a quick review each year, because changes in the economy and in the tax code often occur on a yearly basis. Every five years, do a more thorough review.

Events that should trigger a review include:

Some things to review

This is just a brief overview of some ideas for a periodic review of your estate plan. Each person’s situation is unique. Contact the Law Offices of Lisa C. Bryant, INC at (408) 402-4064 or (714) 410-2436 to set some time for a complimentary estate plan review to ensure your documents are up-to-date and your documents reflect your wishes.